17th. September. 2022.Daily Devotions.
The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. Revelation 3:5
Garments are mentioned many times in the Bible, from the clothing of priests to the clothing of Jesus. The message is clear; our spiritual clothing far exceeds in value, to our physical clothing. Priests, in the Old Testament, dressed very specifically, yet their garments only served the purpose of obedience to a code of law. Baby Jesus, God in the flesh, was wrapped in rags, yet later in life, by just touching the hem of His garment, by faith, one could be healed.
How we dress spiritually is dependent on what we do with Jesus. If we come to Christ in faith, we too can receive His healing. He immediately removes our spotted, wrinkled clothing of sin and exchanges it with pure white garments of forgiveness. Jesus’ clothes, were ripped from Him during His beating and crucifixion, allowing us to be spiritually clothed in wedding garments. He died without clothes in shame, so that we could be clothed, counted as worthy.
God tells us that our spiritual clothing is not suitable, does not fit correctly, is not becoming, and serves a poor purpose. His clothing of righteousness is exclusively designed; made specifically to fit each of us individually. The best part is; it is free! The cost was expensive but paid in full by Christ.
His garments for us is undeserving forgiveness, and life eternal. We should never go back to our old lifestyle, because it would be like trying to sew our old pieces of clothing on His new ones. This would ruin the new garment. Instead, we should wear our garments of praise for the Holy one who was slain and clothed us in His righteousness.
Dear Father, Thank you for clothing us in your perfect holiness by the blood of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen
God, who leads us on in the journey of faith, we pray for our schools: for those for whom they are places of learning and growth; for those for whom they are places of vocation and service. May we have the faithfulness to pray for them, the wisdom to know how to serve them, and the humility to contribute to their common life with grace. May we all know the blessing of growth, and the fulfilment of a life of curiosity, wonder and joy. Amen.
Through your love, O Lord, all your works have begun. By your love you sustain them and in your love our life is everlasting. So let the beginning and ending of all our loving be to see you, O God, for ever and ever. Amen. Julian of Norwich (c.1343–c.1417)
God of love, we pray you give us love:
Love in our thinking, love in our speaking, love in our doing and love in the
hidden places of our souls; love of our neighbours, near and far; love of our friends old and new; love of those with whom we find it hard to bear, and love of those who find it hard to bear with us; love of those with whom we work,
and love of those with whom we take our ease; love in joy, love in sorrow, love in life and love in death, so that at length we may dwell with you, who are Eternal Love. Amen. Prayer from Canterbury Cathedral.
May God be your comfort and your strength, your hope and your support,
today and every day. Amen.