North Queensferry Church

5th. October. 2022. Daily Devotions.

But now I am going to him who sent me. None of you asks me, “Where are you going?” Rather, you are filled with grief because I have said these things. But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:5-7

In the scripture above, the disciples did not quite understand the gravity of what was about to happen. Their beloved Rabbi was telling them that He was going away. They would soon enough, see His horrible gruesome death. They would no longer have Him at their side, or so they thought, to teach, guide and instruct. It was with fear, grief, and great trepidation that they would enter this new phase of life.

Before them was a painful adjustment, but Jesus was victorious over death and the grave. It was important for Him to leave, so that He could send His helper, the Holy Spirit. It was by the indwelling of His Spirit, which gave the disciples the comfort, courage, direction, and boldness to go out into the world, and spread the message of redemption through Jesus Christ. Their new mission was not an easy one, but they embraced it with their whole lives.

We all experience new phases of our lives. Maybe we are going through a life change, or we are in the process of relocating. Maybe we just got fired from a job and are having to think of a new career change. God will help us if we remain calm and trusting and let Him gently lead us into acceptance of our new situation. Rather than looking back at a time that is gone, see instead the opportunities, the beauty and the wonder of the new way that he is leading us into.

Dear Lord, Thank you for being there for us, during all of life changes. Amen

Let us prefer your presence, O God, to all other company. Let us praise your name above all other names and let us love your will beyond all other desiring; for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen. Therese of Lisieux (1873–1897)

Lord of all, you reign supreme
Over all creation.
Valleys and hills echo with praise
Extolling your faithfulness

Grace poured out among us
Overcomes our sins
Daily receiving forgiveness

Loving you means loving others,
Opening our hearts to their needs.
Valuing each person
Embodying Christ’s teaching

You have shown us how to care and
Overcome our prejudices.
Urging us to Reach out.

None must be excluded
Everyone is a child of God.
Inclusiveness must be our watchword.
Giving Help to all.
Be aware of the situations around us
Overcome our fears
Undertake God-given tasks.
Respond in love wherever we are needed.


To Live in God’s Presence 

Dear God, I know you are with me now. I know you are with me any time I call on you, or even think about you. Let me remember, every minute of every day, that you are with me, watching me, ready to help, protecting my soul even when the things of this world give me pain. Let my every minute be lived in your presence. Let my every action be an offering of love to you. Let my every word be a prayer. Amen.

Bless the hands
that bring wholeness
to lives blighted by sickness.

Bless the saints who
in sad and desperate places
bring a sense of hopefulness.

Bless the Christians
facing daily opposition
showing a faithful witness.

Bless the generosity
of the rich and powerful
for the gift of thoughtfulness.

Bless the peacemakers
working in conditions
that are often hazardous.

Bless the politicians
whether good or bad
for decisions affecting all of us.

Bless our words and actions
as we carry your light
into places shrouded in darkness.

Bless your children
whoever they might be
with the warmth of your love and grace.

©John Birch