Sunday Update – 30th June 2024
Rev Andrea Fraser was with us this morning delivering a sermon based on the readings of Psalm 130 followed by Mark Ch 5 v21 to 42, asking us to be strong in our faith. With elections and struggles for dominancy occurring not just in UK, the need for truth and forgiveness of others in needed worldwide.
As always many thanks to those who assisted in the set up for the Village Coffee Morning on Wednesday 3 July.
In addition to the news of what is happening this week within Forthview Parish, two intimations relating to the new Union were read to the congregation. The first referred to the decision that Forthview may advertise the call for all three Ministers of Word and Sacrement rather than for one post to be followed by the call for the other two Ministers at a later stage. The second intimation related to the name change in our bank mandates and Gift Aid claim back authorisations. The forms for these changes will be prepared by the Finance Team and delivered to those affected during the week commencing 1 July 2024. Any queries relating to these finance forms may be addressed to the Session Clerk, Barbara McKechnie.