North Queensferry Church

9th. August.2022. Daily Devotions.

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death. Proverbs 16:25

On family road trips we would use a map so that we could know where we were, how far we had gone, and how far we needed to go. Those trips provided opportunities for addition and subtraction problems (especially in trying to figure out signs like one that read, “Mile Run – 2 miles”).

Today GPS services and electronic maps make those old maps nearly obsolete. The mapping service gives us options for the fastest route and some alternate routes—with and without tolls. Travelers soon learn that there is often more than one way to their destination. And, who knows? The one you choose might just become your favourite way.

The Bible shows that there are right roads and wrong roads when it comes to recognizing and following God’s way. A discerning mind will seek to determine if an opportunity honours God or not. That opportunity might look good at first, but it could end up at a dead end spiritually, emotionally, and even physically.

The Spirit of God equips us with eyes to see and ears to hear what God says is the right way. If there is no confirmation of God’s approval, then it might be better to look for another route. E Heerema.

God of wisdom, fill us with your Spirit so that the direction of our lives will stay on course with your will and way. Bring us home to you, for your glory. Amen.

Grant us, O God, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us do, that the spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices; that in your light we may see light, and in your path may not stumble; through Christ our Lord. Amen. William Reed Huntington (1838-1909)

Gracious God, your love includes us all, yet through the upheaval of pandemic and lockdowns the divisions between people have become accentuated.
We confess that too often we have not listened to those who have a different voice or offer a different perspective.
We confess that at times we operate from a place of privilege and do not always deal well with the power that we have.
Help us to understand the breadth, depth and height of your love for us and for others so that we work with humility, across the divisions, for justice for all, so that our lives as well as our words will proclaim your all-encompassing love. Amen.

Peace God of all, as we walk together, open our hearts to your tenderness. Open our minds to your understanding. Open our lives to your challenge. We are one people, many nations, building hope through steps for peace. One world with many barriers, breaking chains that we may dance free. One voice that shouts for justice shatters hatred, calls for change. One God, one world, one people, turning tables, share the feast. Amen.

For the deceased and those who mourn                                                                     Father, your Son declared “blessed” all those who mourn, knowing that no-one can mourn unless they love very much. Bring courage and strength to those who now mourn because they have loved greatly. In your loving kindness bring them healing and inner peace and lead the one they mourn into your kingdom of light, happiness, and peace. Amen